Publishing an Addon to the Hub

Publishing an Addon to the Hub

With the announcement of CloudQuery Hub, we are excited to see the community contribute addons, such as transformations and dashboards, to the Hub. This guide will walk you through the process of publishing an addon to the Hub.


Publishing an Addon

  1. (Optional, recommended) In the root directory of your addon repository run git tag v1.0.0 to tag the version you're about to publish (replace v1.0.0 with the version you'd like to publish)

  2. (Optional, recommended) Run git push origin v1.0.0 to push the tag

  3. Create a manifest.json file that describes the addon, the path to a zip containing its files and the path to its documentation and changelog in markdown format. Here is an example:

      "schema_version": 1,
      "type": "addon",
      "team_name": "my_team",
      "addon_name": "example",
      "addon_type": "visualization",
      "addon_format": "zip",
      "message": "./",
      "doc": "./",
      "path": "./",
      "plugin_deps": ["cloudquery/source/test@v1.0.0"],
      "addon_deps": []

    The plugin_deps field describes the plugins that this addon depends on, if any. The format is <team>/<kind>/<name>@<version>. Similarly, the addon_deps field describes the addons that this addon depends on, if any. The format is <team>/<type>/<name>@<version>.

  4. Run cloudquery addon publish /path/to/manifest.json v1.0.0 to publish a draft version of the addon (replacing v1.0.0 with the version you want to publish). The version will show up under the versions tab of your addon in (opens in a new tab). As long as the version is in draft it's mutable and you can re-package the addon and publish it again.

  5. Once you're ready, run cloudquery addon publish /path/to/manifest.json v1.0.0 --finalize to publish a non-draft version of the addon. This version will be immutable and will show up in (opens in a new tab). Allow up to 1 hour for the Hub to reflect the changes, and please allow time for the CloudQuery team to review the addon before it's published.